September 12 Aloha from WY

Dear Family,

Okay where the heck did this week even go?! I feel like it was just
preparation day yesterday haha but it has been so good! We are off to
Gillette this morning for Zone Preparation day and I'm expecting a few
intense games of podball, so I'm pretty excited. It will be fun
playing with a bigger group today (so 18 missionaries, instead of 6
haha) and we will be going on an exchange with the Gillette Spanish
sisters after, so it will be worth the drive!

Anyways, this week really flew by. We saw lots of miracles and had a
really good time. We spent the first few days of the week proselyting
in our area and the latter part of the week proselyting in Cody, WY
which was also fun!

Tuesday we were out in Ranchester and had a nice time biking around in
the heat. We were biking to this appointment and this little kid is
riding on his bike starts yelling at us, "STOP in the name of the
LAW!!" And it was seriously the most hilarious thing. So Sister
Hodgson and I pull over (even though we were like 5 minutes late to
our appointment..oops..haha) and we talked to this kid. He asked us
who we were and what we were doing, so we shared the gospel with him
and it turns out his parents are less active members! Anyways, it was cool,
and hilarious haha. We also had a super awesome lesson with M
this week and we taught her all about temples. We had the lesson in a
member's home and it was neat to have their family there and feel the
spirit of their testimonies strengthen all of us there. It was a very
neat experience. I feel like we've taught so many people about temples
and family history work this past week, my testimony has definitely
been strengthened as we've been able to share with others the
importance of temples!

Wednesday we had a district meeting focused on Chapter 10 of Preach My
Gospel and I gave a little discussion on using the scriptures, which
was actually very fitting because that is something I want to work on
and improve on! Sister Hodgson also bore her testimony on Patriarchal
Blessings and how we need to be studying them and turning to them
often because it is personal revelation and scripture. Also on
Wednesday we got a text from this lady we did service for a few months
back asking us to come over so she could give us food from her garden!
So we got fresh corn, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggs. It was so awesome!

We had a super fun exchange with Sister Felemi and Sister Brown in
Cody! They are seriously so amazing and kept me laughing the whole
time, despite being pretty tired haha. Sister Brown and I spent all
day Friday together and it was so fun, she was able to take the lead
in her area and she has only been out for about 6 weeks, she was so
good about knowing where everything was and is just a great
missionary, so we had a lot of fun together. We did some funny
tracting role plays that made me laugh and also she is just hilarious!

We had to wake up at 5am on Saturday to drive back to Sheridan to make
it in time to attend a baptism with L, our investigator, at 9am.
I seriously looked like a zombie, but she felt the spirit, we all felt
the spirit, and it was a great experience. L has been coming to
church regularly and has been staying for all three hours! She is
literally so amazing, she even volunteered to come visit an elderly
less active with us and I just see so much potential in her. She has
such strong faith and I love that every time we show up to teach her a
lesson she has already read through all the lesson material and
scriptures and has questions for us and just is so prepared! I just
love L so much!

Highlights of the Week! :)
1. Quotes by Sister Hodgson: We were on a doorstep on day and she
looks at me with complete sincerity and says, "Are you more Chinese or
Asian?" It was hilarious. Then the other morning we were getting ready
for the day and She walks out into the living room and asks, "Did you
Crimp your hair today?" Me: " was just in a braid.." Aka I was
just lazy and didn't want to do my hair haha
2. Winter is coming! On our drive back from Cody there was frost in
the mountains and all this fog by the lake we drove by, it was super
3. 5 investigators at church! It was a miracle, the Lord is seriously the best.
This week I've been pondering and reflecting on my testimony of the
Book of Mormon. Yesterday in the Ranchester Branch Sister Hodgson and
I gave talks on the Book of Mormon in sacrament meeting. In Chapter 5
of Preach my Gospel it states, "The Book of Mormon, combined with the
Spirit, is your most powerful resource in conversion." I have always
loved that statement and as I was pondering it I realized that while
we are constantly inviting people to read and study the Book of
Mormon, we need to realize that the Book of Mormon combined with the
spirit is OUR most powerful resource in OUR personal conversion, that
is why it's so important that we are feasting daily upon the words of
Christ. My love for the Book of Mormon has definitely grown, but it
started long before I ever decided to serve a mission, and I know it
will continue to grow, as long as I'm studying it, pondering it, and
applying it to my life.

Life is good, I love being a missionary and I love Wyoming! Thanks for
all your letters, emails, prayers and support. Y'all are the best and
I love you lots!

Love, Sister Wong

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