Dear Family,
I'm pretty sure I start each email by saying it was a crazy awesome
week.., but seriously, it was a CRAZY awesome week!!!! I feel like a
million things have happened since I've written last, I'm excited to
tell you all about it! 😊
Oh my, we had the best exchange this week with the Burlington sisters!
They are both such great sisters and we saw SO many miracles! Monday
evening I was with Sister Taylor and we felt inspired to work on this
specific street, so we drove over there and found a new investigator
and a few solid potentials! We had the goal to talk with everyone and
it was neat to see how Heavenly Father placed so many amazing people
in our path! On Tuesday I was with Sister Seamons and we taught one of
our new investigators, M, who is a young mom and wants to bring God in
her home. She doesn't have too much of a religious background but
wants to find God and raise her son with religion. We taught her the
restoration and the spirit was so strong. She asked great questions
and really had a desire to learn and find truth. During our initial
contact with her we invited her to read the restoration pamphlet and
the intro of the Book of Mormon. When we came back for the lesson she
was already on 1 Nephi 3, had read through the pamphlet and had
questions for us! It was so cool! When we invited her to be baptized
she was super excited about it! We are super excited to teach her
Random things we did this Week! :)
1. Flu Shots: we were obedient and got vaccinated! Sister Seamons
hates shots.. And so does sister Hodgson.. But it all worked out! Side
note: sister Hodgson and I got flu shots together last year in great
2. Sprouted Almonds: We got to do service at the almond factory place
again and it was so fun! It was sister Hodgsons first time and we had
a good time :)
We had a great district meeting and I gave a discussion on "Going
about doing good" from Ch. 9 of Preach my Gospel. I always love
district meeting because it is one of our spiritual highlights of the
week. We are able to be edified and strengthened by the testimonies of
other missionaries and I always come away feeling great! It was also
super fun because Elder Hendricks came! He was my district leader for
4.5 months in Great Falls and is now my zone leader in Gillette!
Sister Hodgson and I were reminiscing on last year when we were all in
the same district in Great Falls... It feels like just yesterday!!
We had the Fall Branch Party on Thursday evening and it was so fun! I
absolutely love serving in a branch. The members are all so great and
it felt like a family party! We decorated cookies, ate baked potatoes,
played Halloween games and had a fun time. One of our investigators
came too, so that was so great!!
We went on an exchange in Lovell from Thursday night till Saturday and
that was an adventure as well! Luckily the roads over the mountain
pass were nice and clear, so we got there without any problems! We
showed up to daily plan with them at 9 pm and they informed us that
they were having a baptism the next day! We were so surprised (since
usually we know about the baptisms the sisters are having, and we
don't usually have exchanges if there is a baptism) but it was a super
last minute thing where the lady had been taught for like 15 yrs and
decided she was going to get baptized that weekend because her family
was in town! So Friday we attended the baptism of a sweet old lady and
it was held at the community pool because they needed the chair lift
to get her In The water. It was probably the most unique baptism I've
been to, but it all worked out and it was a great day! We had a nice
exchange and were able to talk with lots of people and bike around in
the freezing cold winter air.
We got back into town on Saturday morning and got a text from the
branch presidency asking us to speak the next day because there was a
mix up and they didn't have anyone to speak. Of course we happily
agreed, however we had zero time to prepare any talks.. And we were
the only speakers haha. Heavenly Father definitely helped us because
usually if I have to talk for 25 minutes, I need a LOT of time to
prepare, but it all worked out. I spoke on when the Savior visited the
Nephites- His teachings and focused on how He taught them His
doctrine. Sister Hodgson focused on the Character of Christ and
overall I think it went pretty well!
Now, you've made it this far in the email, so I am going to tell you
about the COOLEST thing that happened this week! After Ranchester
sacrament meeting we went into Sheridan for Ward council and the block
meetings (because Sheridan 1st Ward starts at 1pm) L came to
church and it was great to see her as always. We had a great sacrament
meeting about the difference between being converted to the church and
being converted to Christ and His teachings, the spirit was definitely
there and it really touched L. After the meeting L was in
tears, so we went to make sure she was doing okay. She had a lot of
emotions and decided she just wanted to go home, so we walked her out
to the car and had a good talk with her. We discussed her desire to be
baptized as well as the things that are holding her back. We talked
about how the Lord can and will deliver her out of bondage, but she
has to put her trust and faith in Him. We have the Star Valley Temple
dedication next week (woohoo!!) and obviously you need to be a
baptized member to attend the dedications. The spirit prompted me to
tell her that it isn't too late to be able to attend the dedication. I
was super nervous to tell her that because I honestly didn't know if
it was too late or if the bishop and everyone would be okay with it,
but the spirit prompted me to say it, so I did. We explained to her
that she could get baptized this week and be able to attend the temple
dedication next week. All of a sudden her countenance changed, she had
a different light about her, a brighter light! She said, "Well then
let's go back inside and figure this thing out!" Sister Hodgson and I
were both in shock, but we walked her right into the Bishop's office
and met with him. That was a spiritual experience as well, and I felt
the spirit testify to me that God is in charge and He does know all of
His children by name. I had wanted L to be baptized at the
beginning of October (actually, the end of August haha) but the Lord
knows the right timing. L has decided to be baptized this
Thursday at 6:30pm and I can't even put into words my excitement and
joy!! Please continue to keep her in your prayers. I feel so blessed
to be here for it and I am so excited!!! We announced it at the end of
church and the Ward is super excited as well, since everyone basically
knows her already :) it is just the best!!!
So that was my week for you, it was insane and crazy and exhausting
and funny and spiritual and just everything in between. I wish I could
put into words the experiences I'm having, but it's pretty much
indescribable. We see miracles everyday and experience opposition
everyday, but without opposition, we wouldn't grow! I am grateful for
the trials I've been given because I know they are tailored perfectly
for me. I love this gospel more than anything and I know that my
Savior lives and loves each of us!
I so appreciate all the emails and letters and notes I receive from
you each week. I love you guys and I feel so blessed to be a part of
our family!! I hope you all have a fabulous Halloween week and just
know that I'm praying for you and I love you :)
Love, Sister Wong
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