LIFE IS ABSOLUTE CRAZINESS! You know that part in Tangled where Rapunzel finally leaves her tower and she can't quite figure out how she feels about it (absolute happiness, sadness, and everything in between!?) WELL, that is basically my life this week.. well, my life yesterday and today. Haha. With transfers I will be heading up to MISSOULA for my last 6 weeks. I seriously didn't think I would get transferred and I have a lot of mixed emotions, but mostly just gratitude for the opportunity to know and love more people. I will be in the Missoula 3rd Ward and my companion will be SISTER STYER
️ I'm so excited to get to know all the sisters up there as well, since I've never served on that side of the mission! Sister Crosland is coming to take my place in Helena, so we are just switching spots. So today is full of packing, cleaning and hopefully some Podball.
This week was so much fun, we had two exchanges and they were both great! We had the Deer Lodge sisters come to our area on Tuesday and I was with Sister Fronk! She is such a sweetheart and we had so much fun serving together. We did some service at a place called Helena Industries (kind of like DI), we found this cool guy named M who was outside working on his car. He said it was his birthday, so we said we wanted to give him a copy of the Book of Mormon as a birthday present! Hopefully he reads it!
We had our last district meeting of the transfer on Wednesday and I gave a discussion on Charity and Patience and how that relates to forgiveness and repentance. It was a really great topic to study, especially since Repentance has been a huge theme this past transfer in the mission. I am so grateful that Christ is the perfect example of both charity AND patience and through him, we can overcome the natural tendencies to become less charitable and less patient.
After district meeting, all the sisters went out to lunch at this place called "Lattes and Sundaes" and we had so much fun! It was his cute brunch place. I have absolutely loved serving with all the sisters in Helena and I'm going to miss them! We also volunteered at this place called Food Share, and it was the coolest experience! It's a food bank and it was so humbling to see so many great people coming through and how kind they were. It reminded me of my baptismal covenant, to help others and serve them. It was a really great experience.
We also had an exchange with the Whitehall/Sheridan sisters later in the week and I got to be companions with Sister Cannon!!! We had such a fun time together and Whitehall is such a cool little town! One of our big miracles for the day happened at 8:55pm. We had tried this potential names A, but she wasn't home, so we tried this house down the street! Sadly, they weren't interested, so we walked back to the car and right when we got in, we saw A walking home! So we jumped out of the car and ran over to go talk with her! She ended up being so sweet and wants to learn more. She invited us over for dinner and it was just the coolest thing.
I've been reflecting a lot on a thought that was shared in one of the Ward councils I attended this past week. The sister sharing the spiritual thought focused on the statement "Be a more prepared servant of Christ." I have been thinking about what I can do to be a more prepared servant of Christ. I have a testimony of daily scripture study and daily prayer. Creating that habit has changed my life and my testimony of it has grown so much on my mission. I know I need to continue to prepare myself DAILY to serve. It is a blessing and a privilege to be a full-time missionary. This doesn't really feel real, but here's to the next 6 weeks of the best calling ever. I love being a missionary. I love serving my Savior. I am grateful for each of you. The prayers and support. It means the world to me. I'm just grateful for every moment I have left! :)
I hope you have the best week ever!
Love, Sister Wong
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