Hi Family!
It was SO good seeing your faces yesterday. You are all just so amazing and I love you so much! It has turned out to be a week FULL of blessings and miracles. I've been pondering a lot on the past 7 days.. and the past year.. and the phrase at the forefront of my mind is "SO Blessed." That basically sums up how I feel and how I've been feeling a lot lately. We were so busy this week that it hadn't really hit me that it was Christmas, but while sitting in Sacrament meeting yesterday the words to the sacrament prayers really touched my heart, knowing that because of the Savior, I am able to repent and change. I am able to progress, be forgiven, help others find that same joy, be here on a mission! It just all hit me and my heart was so full of gratitude.
Well, where do I even begin?! We had our new transfer meeting with the stake president, two exchanges this week, interviews with President Wadsworth, zone training, and Christmas festivities! MLC got canceled because the weather was so bad they didn't want anyone driving, so that was a bummer, but it all worked out.
Highlights of the week!
- Signing President Bingham wall! In his home he has a wall that every missionary who serves in Helena gets to sign. He has even had Elder Christofferson (the apostle) and Elder Soares of the seventy sign the wall when they came through on assignment a few months back. It was monumental! Also so sweet seeing all the signatures of missionaries who I love who are home now, it was great!
- We went to this home for dinner and they had this GIGANTIC Christmas tree and it was so so tall, so I took a picture by it haha.
- Exchanges with Sister Scott were such a blast, she is so much fun and we had this really cool lesson with D and J, who recently moved to Helena. We taught them the restoration and they had such great questions. It was so great.
The second exchange I went on this week was with Sister Wood and we saw SO many miracles, it was amazing. We were driving to our appointment and we had planned to get there a little early so I could run through the lesson with her, since she had never taught that lesson using the pamphlets (she has only been out for 2 weeks) but as we were driving down the busy road, she saw an older man struggling to walk with his walker up a snowy hill. She asked me to pull over so we could help him, so I did. As we walked up to him I had no idea what we were going to do to help him, but I also knew it would work out somehow. So we talked with him for a minute and decided the best solution was to clear some of the snow to make the path bigger, so his walker would fit through it. We didn't have any shovels. So we started kicking the snow to widen the path. We probably looked ridiculous, but it was so fun! And he was able to get his walker through the snow! Then a father and son walked over and offered to give the man a ride to wherever he was going, so we helped him into the car and were on our way. I definitely felt the spirit as we helped him and it was neat how that sparked the interest of others and gave other people an opportunity to serve as well!
On Christmas Day we woke up at 6:23 am and opened out presents! We had breakfast with the Knudsen family in 1st Ward and they made us yummy waffles! Then we headed to sacrament meeting at 11am. One of my favorite parts was seeing B and E walk in with their son and E was wearing a Christmas tie with his suit! It was so great!! After sacrament we went out to see some people who don't usually get visits on Christmas, and that was really special. It reminded me of how much Heavenly Father really does love all his children! We had lunch with the Colby's, which consisted of scones, eggs, bacon, deer sausage and oranges. It was so delicious! The Colby's are so sweet, they had Christmas stockings full of goodies waiting for us, and we played Banana Grams with them after lunch! It was a blast. We made a few more visits to people in the Ward and dropped off Christmas treats, then we headed back to the Millers to FaceTime! Seriously it was so much fun seeing all of your glowing faces :) you made my Christmas extra special!
After our lovely time together, we had our big Christmas dinner with the Millers. It was SO fun! We had these nutcracker things at our placemats and inside each one was a crown and a whistle, so we wore the crowns throughout dinner and after dinner we a few other people came over and we all lined up with our whistles and one person was the conductor and we (attempted) to play songs. It was one of the most hilarious things ever, so much fun! The Millers just welcomed us right into their family and made us feel like we were at home, it was so special. Definitely a Christmas I will never forget!
It was so sweet because before we went upstairs to start planning Sister Miller got out a bunch of medicine and tissues and things for me to take up to the room since she knew I had been sick the past few days, it was so nice of her! So I'm definitely on the mend, just waiting for my body to get feeling better. But all in all, I FEEL SO BLESSED! Like every day, because life is so good and I feel so grateful to be here. I am so happy serving as a full-time missionary and I know I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you all, so THANK YOU. You are the best ever. Thanks for always reading my long emails, even though I'm pretty sure I just ramble on most of the time. But I love you so much and I hope you have the most amazing week ever! LOVE YOU
Love, Sister Wong
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