Hi family!
This week has been so amazing, and so long, and so freezing and so good. I feel like it was just Monday, but so many things have happened since I've written you! Let's see..apparently it's been a record cold with 28 consecutive days with temperatures below 27 degrees, or something life that. So in other words, it's been super cold! But I love it because I know I'm experiencing a "true Montana winter"
We had a zone conference in Butte on Tuesday and it was such a blast! The focus was on teaching repentance, and it was so great. President Wadsworth trained us and one of my favorite things he said was, "Repentance changes the way you view God, the way you view yourself, the way you view the world." And it has been neat to see that as we've emphasized repentance while teaching our investigators. Sister Fredrickson and I sang a medley of Savior Redeemer of my Soul and Called to Serve as he special musical number for the conference with two elders and it went pretty well. She is such a great vocalist and it brought me back to the MTC days
President also called me up to bear my testimony of the Book of Mormon, which was SO fun! I've never been called up impromptu to bear my testimony in a zone conference before, and I thought I was going to get out of it, because I don't have too many zone conferences left, but it was really special to share some of my thoughts and experiences. My life has been SO blessed by the Book of Mormon!
After Zone Conference we went on exchanges with the Dillon sisters and I was finally reunited with Sister Fredrickson! We haven't served with each other since we were companions in the MTC, so we had lots to catch up on! She is such a great missionary and we had such a fun exchange, reminiscing on good times and seeing many miracles. She came to Helena with me and we had this crazy snow storm. We went into dinner at 5pm with no fresh snow on the ground, then we came out at 6pm and there was a good 2 inches of snow. It was crazy!
Wednesday we helped with a youth Activity in the 3rd Ward and it was such a great experience! We had our investigator, J, come for the first time and he made so many friends and met lots of people! There was also a less active youth who came and brought her friend, and they are going to meet with us sometime this week! For the Activity we taught all the youth how to play podball, and it was CRAZY! There were 40+ youth, running around, playing podball, and it was SO FUN! They all loved it and everyone got way into it. We saw President Bingham later that evening and he asked us to give a short training at stake Missionary Correlation the next night, but we thought he was joking because it didn't seem like a super formal invitation.
He was not joking. Fast forward to Thursday evening, we are sitting in the stake high counsel room for stake Missionary Correlation with all the Ward mission leaders, Ward missionaries and full time missionaries in the stake, and he turns the time over to us. It was terrifying, but it turned out okay haha. We just shared some thoughts on teaching repentance and it was great. Good times.
We exchanged back on Saturday and I forgot my suitcase in the Portage sisters car, and it was devastating because I didn't realize I forgot it till we were back in Helena. I had a minor freak out, but everything worked out because a lady we are working with was in Great Falls for the weekend, so she brought my suitcase back to me :)
Life is so good. We have two more exchanges this week then the transfer ends! Time has just flown by. I might get transferred, so I'm trying to prepare myself for that haha. I feel so blessed for this time I have to be serving, it's the best! I love you all and hope you have the best week ever :)
Love, Sister Wong
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