Hi Family!
Wow, what a week it has been! Apparently it's one of the coldest winters Montana has seen in a while, which makes me SO happy! We get all bundled up to go outside and try our best not to get frostbite. It's such a good life. And don't worry, it's 20 degrees today, so things are really warming up!
There were so many great things going on this week, but the highlight had to be T's baptism! It was the sweetest thing ever and there was so much support from her Ward family and immediate/extended family. The baptism went so smoothly and their family had a luncheon afterwards at their home. There were lots of Ward members and non-members that came and we had the most delicious Gumbo! Like oh my. I haven't had very much gumbo in my life, but this was just amazing! So yummy! Not to mention, they sent us home with all these left overs and the biggest piece of chocolate cake ever. It was hilarious and so kind of them. I love being a missionary! After T's baptism we asked her if she felt any different and she said, "Yeah! I feel all clean and happy inside" it was so sweet. She was confirmed in sacrament meeting on Sunday and we are just so thrilled for her!
This week I also had the opportunity to make my way back to Great Falls for exchanges! I was with Sister Ryan who is so amazing! They had some great work going on and it was fun to see how awesome their area is! They are serving in the other stake in Great Falls, so I didn't know anyone in their wards, but we found some really cool people and had some great teaching experiences. I definitely have a testimony of the atonement and repentance. We were teaching this one lady who had no desire to repent or change and it was the saddest thing ever. It is so hard when you know how much the gospel can bless their lives, but they still choose to ignore it.
We also had quite the adventure on Wednesday after district meeting. The Millers had asked us to let their dogs out while we were home for lunch (which is a very easy task). Also, the dogs were in the garage because it was too cold for them to be outside. So we got home, let the dogs out and get them back in in probably less than 7 minutes, so we were making great time! Then.. I turned around to open the garage door to go back into the house, and it was locked. We tried the front door, but that was locked too. We tried virtually every door, but they were ALL LOCKED. And what was locked inside the house? Our car keys, our phone, our iPads, basically everything except for the coats we were wearing. We were stuck. So stuck. We had no way of contacting anyone and no phone numbers memorized. So we strategize and determined the best thing to do would be to set out and look for help in the -5 degree weather. The Millers live up in the woods in a pretty secluded area, so we made our way up long, steep, snowy driveways until we finally found someone who was at home! They let us in and let us use their phone, so we tried calling the other sister missionaries in Helena, but they didn't pick up... so eventually the neighbors found Brother Miller's phone number and called him at work (and we were REALLY trying to avoid interrupting his work day) but it had to be done. It was also hilarious because brother Miller was going to tell us where the spare key was in the garage... but we had closed the garage door when we went out looking for help... so we had no way of getting in the garage
so this kind neighbor drove us down to Brother Miller's dentist office and we got the spare key from him... then 3 hours from the initial time we let the dogs out, we got back inside. It was quite the adventure. We definitely felt SO bad about it, but the Millers are so awesome and kept reassuring us that it happens to everyone and there was nothing to be worried about. And now we know where the spare key is. Haha. And don't worry, we only got minor frostbite
(jk) we are completely fine, but obviously I was very worried!
We had one of the most AMAZING lessons with the L's on Monday and Friday! On Monday their 11 yr old son, J, sat in on the lesson and we taught the plan of salvation. He seemed to just soak it in and it was so neat to see B and E (who were baptized less than a month ago) teach it to their son and share their testimonies with him! On Friday we went back and J accepted the invitation to be baptized on February 4th! It was really neat because one of his friends from football is in our Ward and both him and his mom came to the lesson, which added a really special spirit! B is so excited for him and J mentioned how he wants to go to the temple to be baptized for his grandfather. It was such a tender experience! J stayed for all 3 hours of church yesterday and B and E got sustained in their new calling! It was so great to see how excited they are! Our other investigator family in 3rd Ward also came to church and they are progressing so well! It's been harder to meet with them because J just got a new job and is trying to figure out her schedule, but I know it will all work out :)
I feel like each week as I reflect on all the amazing things that happened, my heart is SO full of gratitude. I had the opportunity to bear my testimony in sacrament meeting yesterday and I felt the spirit so strongly as I testified of our Savior's love for each of us and the importance of trusting Him. I know Heavenly Father has such a unique plan for each of us, it isn't always what we want it to be, but it is ALWAYS the best plan. I am grateful for repentance that allows me to change and become better and I am grateful that my Heavenly Father allows me to struggle and go through hard things so I can learn and become more like Him. I love this gospel and I am SO grateful for each of you. I hope you have the best week ever :)
Love, Sister Wong
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