What a week it has been. It has gone by so quickly but it also feels
like years since I was in Billings (even though I was just there a
week ago!) yes, I'm exhausted, but it is the best thing ever. I have
probably spent more time in the car this week than I did outside of a
car, it was a little insane, but it all worked out. Let's see..
So last Monday we proselyted in our area for about an hour and then
made the 2 hr. drive to Billings to stay with the Sister Training
Leaders there for the night, it was so so so fun to be reunited with
Sister King after not seeing her for 6 days
morning, got ready for MLC and arrived at the mission home,
Leadership Council. I didn't get as much sleep on the ride up because
there were less seats in the van we took, so all 4 of us sisters had
to squeeze in the back seat and we didn't have to much space. It was a
struggle, but we made it through haha.
MLC is always such an
incredible meeting, I love it so much! We talked a lot about
purposeful prayer, finding joy in the work, qualities of leaders and
some other stuff. It was great! After MLC we drove back to Billings,
had cafe rio (always a highlight
We drove back to Sheridan and it was so fun to proselyte in
our area! This week basically all of our investigators fell off the
face of the planet and would not contact us, it was a struggle, but I
know it will pass. We did lots of finding and were able to find some
new investigators.
We had Zone Training in Gillette, so we woke up
early to drive down and when we woke up it was super rainy and the
weather wasn't too good. It took us a little longer to drive down, but
we got there in time, so we were fine. Sister Hodgson and I gave a
discussion on working with the Ward Council and it went pretty well,
it is definitely something we want to improve on. We had Zone
Leadership Council after the zone training meeting and then went on an
exchange with the Gillette Spanish Sisters! We found this sweet new
investigator who was a referral from the missionaries in Riverton, WY.
She answered the door and was just so prepared. They are going back
next week to teach her so I'm super excited to hear how it goes! I
love going on exchanges, I always learn so much from them and it is
just such a blessing.
Saturday morning we drove back to Sheridan and helped out with our
Ward Primary activity! It was so fun, we told the story of Lehis dream
and then they did this activity in the gym about getting to the "tree
of life". Also, we got to eat ice cream with all the
primary kids, so that was fun too!
Highlights of the week!
1. Dead Badger: we went to a members house for dinner and she had this
dead badger head in the fridge. Sister Hodgson wanted to see it SO
bad, so after dinner the member brought it out of the fridge, I just
about passed out. Sister Hodgson wanted to hold
it and take pictures with it. I agreed because let's be real, when
else in my life am I going to see a dead badger head #hopefullynever
haha, so it was hilarious, disgusting and terrifying.. Good times
2. Biking: after being in the car for about 900 hours this past week,
we decided we would bike all day and so our appointments were on the
opposite side of town up this huge huge hill and it was so hilarious
because we were struggling so hard, but we made it
3. Me or Maile? A new missionary in our zone came up to me and asked
if he went to EFY with me, I was so confused because he did not look
familiar at all. Turns out he went to EFY with my little sister Maile. Who would have
thought, we are thousands of miles apart and people are STILL getting
us mixed up
Basically, it was a really great week. Sister Hodgson and I are having
a blast. She is such a good little road trip buddy and always makes
sure I can eat while I drive. Also she lets me borrow her cute clothes
all the time which is super fun haha! We get along so well and she is
just such a great example to me! Life is good and I love being a
missionary. This week my testimony of the priesthood was really
strengthened. I know that it is a blessing from our father in Heaven
to help us and as we have faith and humble ourselves to ask for
blessings, He is so willing to help us. We live in a crazy insane
world, but the Lord is looking out for us every step of the way and He
keeps us safe in this crazy world. I'm so grateful for the gospel and
for my Savior. I hope you all have a wonderful week and I love you so
Love, Sister Wong
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