Week #12 Members and Missionaries

Cold weather car washing
Everything is going well here in Montana!  Our week consisted of finding people to teach, teaching and training, or at least that's what it felt like. Sister Nez got sick earlier in the week, then I got sick yesterday. I'm pretty sure everyone in the state of Montana is sick because everyone we visit seems to be under the weather, it is no fun! But it's okay because missionary work is still rockin' and I love it.

We have been trying to have Active Member Lessons every night which has been awesome because we are getting to know the ward members better and we feel like we are gaining their trust. As missionaries we are here to help the MEMBERS do THEIR missionary work, and I just love that! It is so true, as missionaries if we work together with the members we will find much more success.
The members here in the Portage Ward are SO awesome, it's the best. We taught a lesson to a less-active and investigator in a members home this past week which was really cool! The spirit was very strong and it was such a nice environment to be teaching in, we have another lesson with them tonight and I'm so excited! We have been working a lot with less active members of the Ward and it has been great. It is discouraging at times because I just want them to accept the gospel again and my heart breaks when they turn away from the Savior, but reactivation in the church is awesome.
We have been working with this couple that is just amazing! They were inactive for a while and my entire first transfer we weren't able to contact them, but towards the end of my first transfer they began to open up. Sister Nez and I went by during her first week of this past transfer and they let us right in and said they wanted to meet with us every week. They have started coming back to church every Sunday and they meet with us once a week, it has been so amazing and I just love them!
Gotta watch the speed limit...14???
Some Highlights of the week
1. CURRY! Our Elders Quorum President had us and a set of elders over for dinner and he made this amazing curry! AND he even had chopsticks, it was amazing.
2. Practicing the Piano (wait what?!) Yes, it's true! SO I don't know
how I got put into the ONE district where nobody plays the piano, so I have been playing at district meetings and stuff this past transfer.  Now I am wishing I practiced a LOT more before coming out on my mission.. But hey it all works out :)
3. Sisters Reunion!! Sister Crosland and Sister Felemi had exchanges this week and it just so happens that while we were at the church we got to see our sister training leader and the Shelby Sisters (Sister Stacey and Sister Unutoa) and it was so fun! I took a picture with Sister Rasmussen because we were matching!
4. Drinking hot chocolate to "make my sore throat feel better" ..yeah it didn't work but it was still yummy!
I have a testimony of the principles of the gospel. They are simple but so profound. They are bringing us closer to our Heavenly Father and I would encourage each of you to continue to strive to always live true to those principles as well as the covenants we have made. This gospel is amazing, our Savior is so merciful and loving. I cannot begin to express my love for Him. I am so grateful for my family!  You are all so amazing and I love you so much!

Love, Sister Wong

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